Thursday, June 19, 2014

Oops, I Did it Again...

...Then to make matters worse, I reference a Britney Spears song.

Once again, my attempts at blogging have not worked out as planned. I completely forgot about this blog until the other day. I thought it would be interesting to go back and see what I had said at the beginning of the school year now that we've been out for about three weeks. I have to say I was right when I said this would be one of the most challenging years. My seventh graders were the most unique group of kids I've ever worked with. My eighth graders were, well, eighth graders. On top of that, we had the worst winter I can remember. I've lost count of the snow days and two hour delays. Plus, I destroyed the transmission in my car with all the ice and snow. Let's just say, this was a year to remember.
 It wasn't all bad though. The seventh grade team I work with is amazing. They work hard, are very good at what they do and they make me laugh every day. Each one of us struggled at times with all the craziness that this school year brought, but we survived by laughing together. I also have a great Language Arts team to work with. I am so excited for the changes we've made for next year. Maybe I'll keep blogging long enough to write about how those changes turn out.
Speaking of blogging, I had a few ideas of how to do this thing right. I mean, to actually stick with it. I would love to do a daily blog (It's Grace style, Youtube fans). I've come up with a few ideas for the different days, although I'm not sure what they will look like. Here is my rough draft list:
My opinion Mondays: This could either be book reviews or just my opinion on different issues that deal with reading or education.
Terrific/Terrible Tuesdays: This would be a short description of something terrific or terrible that happened the past week.
Whatever Wednesdays: Just what it sounds like. Any random thing that pops in my mind.
To Read Thursdays: A description of a book I can't wait to read.
I have not come up with anything for Friday. I'll work on that.

I might be back tomorrow. If not, I'll write again next year.

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