Saturday, September 7, 2013

3 Weeks Down

  It is Saturday. I've just enjoyed Fair Week by grading, planning, reading, and most importantly, sleeping in. I probably should have written this review of the first three weeks of school right after they happened but I didn't. I'm doing it now--ok?
  To start off, I have to say that I can tell from just three weeks that this year will be a challenging one. I think the students I have this year (7th graders) are the lowest I've ever had. Plus this year I have two 8th grade classes instead of one. Plus we get to do the lovely observations for OTES this year. Plus the million other things that will come up during the year that I haven't even thought of yet. It is going to take some hard work and probably some tears.
   I also have to say,however, I think that these first three weeks were the best start to a school year I've had so far. Things seemed to flow well. Students got involved in quickly. I enjoyed myself. One major reason is that I see a shift in the way teachers are working together. We have an amazing new Intervention Specialist. She is new to the field and she is still learning, but she has already made such a difference in my classroom. It is amazing what can be done when you have an Intervention Specialist that is willing to work. I am excited to see the growth that these kids will make this year.
 I also feel, that after completing seven years of teaching, I sort of know what I am doing. I have a strong foundation and I am able to "wing it" when things don't go according to plan. I also no longer feel that every lesson has to be perfect. I am willing to try new things and move on to something else when those things fail. I realize now that even in failed attempts, we all learn something.
 So now that I've rambled on for awhile, I have to say that this year is the first time I can remember that I don't dread going back after the fair. Of course, that feeling will change Sunday night, I'm sure, but right now, I'm excited for this year. ( I know there were way to many commas in that sentence, but I'm leaving them all right where they are!)

*I didn't edit this.