Sunday, August 18, 2013

One Week Down

It is the Sunday after the first week of school. Looking back, I am impressed at the way things have started. Other than some major issues with our new interactive boards, I would say that this has been the smoothest start of the year I've had yet. It feels like things are finally starting to click, and since this is my eighth "beginning of the year," it is about time. It feels like I'm actually teaching, not just pretending.
I'm excited to introduce my seventh graders to many new books and ideas. I talk about reading and they are still too nervous to say "I hate reading" but I can see it in some of their faces. I can't wait until we get past that point and they are reading book after book. I have to remember that it takes a lot of work. At this point they are still sixth graders that struggle to follow directions. Soon, they will be to handle more and more on their own.
 I'm nervous and excited to work with the students I had last year as seventh graders and push them even farther as eighth graders. I've already had a few run ins with students that feel a little too comfortable since they are with me last year. I've got to figure out a way for us to work together. One upside is, I know a lot about them and they know how my classroom runs. (I guess that is 2). Another positive note, Friday was a great day with both of my 8th grade classes.
Overall, it was a great first week. Of course, I can already see a few "issues" that may come up but for now, things are one the right path. Later in the year, I want to look back at this and remember how I felt after the first week.